Monday, September 22, 2008

a dream .....she lived,part 2

Wel,dreams are dreams….can never be close to reality. I donno why that girl forgot this. I guess because she had habit of living in dreams and not reality. In just a single day the dream of lifetime got over. She was again back to herself, just she and her nightmares. There was no one to hold her hand. The hand she thought to be with her was never made for her, that hand was wishing for some other hand to hold for. There was darkness again, but no beauty she could imagine in it. There was beach but not of sea, but made from her tears on the table she was typing this blog. There was no arm to lift her again. There were waves but of anxiety in her mind, of being rejected everyday. There were no tunes to dance on, just a sad melancholy going in her mind. There was no lap, but a chair she has been sitting on and listening to what seemed most painful to her. Living the moments of distance and trying to accept the fact that dreams are dreams. They can never be true. It was again raining, but drops were of tears.

…………a beautiful dream she had. A beautiful dream she lived……..a beautiful night she spent. A night worth remembering for lifetime. A moment to cherish for lifetime. A dream to live for………….a dream she lived that night.

….dreams are saccharine, dreams are acid, dreams are obvious, and dreams are figment of your imagination……. You dream, I dream…..

But dreams are just dreams……………it hurts a lot when they break into pieces which can never get together again.


gayathri vishwanathan said...

I bow down to you...simply loved your style of writting :-)

Unknown said...
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